Waste Not, Want Not!

Keep an eye out in store for our “Too good to waste” baskets…

Just like many businesses we are looking at ways to cut our costs so that we are not just reliant on raising our prices to get through the current economic crisis.

With this in mind, food waste is an area we can do something about. As a business that makes its goods fresh every day it can be tricky to find a balance between having enough stock to keep our customers happy and having too much left at the end of the day. For the moment we are slimming down production across our lines so you may sometimes find that the particular loaf or cake you want is sold out. We will always have an alternative available but if nothing else will do, speak to a member of staff about pre-ordering your favourite. 

Inevitably we will have some products leftover so, if the staff don’t wish to take them and we can’t use them for bread pudding, we will be selling them the next day at half price or less in our “Too Good To Waste” basket. Only products that we know will still be good the next day will go in the basket so why not have a browse. Not only will you get a bargain but you will be helping to tackle the food waste impact on the environment. Everyone’s a winner.


Roll up, Roll up!


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